My life has always been a rollarcoaster....with my weight! Mothers with daughters I will tell you (if you didnt already know) your daughters will always look up to you. Well I did with my mom and that is a good thing, sometimes, as moms we want to show our kids how to be proud of themselves, how to carry themselves, and how to treat other people. We never think that the way we carry ourselves or the way that we think of ourselves would impact our kids but it does. Ive always been insecure about my body not to mention my looks. It really stems from the fact that my mom was always unhappy with the way she looked. Plus it didnt help that my dad, sister and brother were a couple of skinny minny's lol they can eat practically anything they want and never put on pounds let me tell ya its sooo frusterating! When I got into high school I became a cheerleader (I was about 165lbs and I was the heavier one on the squad) but to me I was a size 9 and lookin fine lol. Until school started and I noticed how much bigger I was than the other girls. Then I felt insecure, I have always compared my self to one person or another. I just recently figured out (wish I would have sooner) that I am my own person and I lose weight here and there but I dont lose it like other people. But hey if my goal is to be happy with myself be healthy and be around for a long time for my boys then thats all the motivation I need not to look like someone else but to look like me only  healthier and more proud of myself!!

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