Monday, November 26, 2012

Crafty Saturday on Monday!

Hey guys sorry I didn't get to post on Saturday my Granny and Poppy came into town to visit and they just left today :( But I was so happy to see them and spend time with them I missed them so much! :) Anyways the craft for Saturday is a crayon wreath. I got the idea from Pinterest and there are so many cute crayon wreaths on there y'all should check them out but this is what I did.
You will need:
Cardboard (big enough to make a wreath frame out of)
3 boxes of crayons
Hot glue gun
Fabric of your choice

The first thing you need to do is get your cardboard slab and cut a big enough circle to make a wreath then cut out the inside of the circle it will look like this..

I forgot to take a picture of it by itself but now you see that once you make your wreath the width that you want it ( I sort of wish I would have made mine a little wider. ) take your fabric strips and wrap it around the wreath. This is important because the fabric helps the wreath become sturdier. ( the crayons are heavy once you put them all on there.)
So once you wrap your fabric and hot glue it to the cardboard frame you start by hot gluing the back of the crayon and putting it vertically on the wreath.

Once you have put the first crayon on you need to turn the wreath counterclockwise just a bit so that when you put the second crayon down it looks vertical to you if you don't turn it and just start gluing the crayons will tend to slant the more you circle around the wreath so if you turn the wreath, glue the crayon, and place it on vertically then the crayons will always be strait. Once you are done it will look like this!!


       I then carefully turned it over and put a loop of fabric on it and hot glued it.           

After that I looked online for a tutorial on how to make a pompom bow and found one on YouTube. Then I wanted to personalize it so I made an A out of cardboard and wrapped it in the same ribbon I made the bow. I hot glued the bow and A to the crayons and there you have it!! I love it! What do you think? Comment below if you have any questions.

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